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Go Bagless & Get in Faster

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This is a graphic with 3 types of bags with an red mark over them and it says Bagless Express Lanes at the Gates.  Go Bagless at the Washington County Fair and get in faster.
BFF doesn’t only mean BIG FAIR FUN—We want you to also make it mean BAGLESS FOR FAIR.

That’s right, GO BAGLESS when you come to the Washington County Fair. That means no backpack, purse, tote bag, camera bag, large fanny pack, cooler bag, you name it--Leave that bag at home and say you’re joining Team BFF—BAGLESS FOR FAIR!

You’ll avoid the Bag Check AND you can enter the Fair faster by going through the Bagless Express Lane at each entrance. Sure, we know sometimes you NEED to bring a bag with you. If you’re visiting with a little one and need to bring in diapers, or you have a special medical dietary need, you may need to bring a bag into the Fair with you, and we totally get that. Just be aware: All bags will have to go through a bag check before you can be admitted into the Fair, but if you can GO BAGLESS, you’ll get in faster with the Bagless Express Lane that skips the Bag Check.

We want to keep the Fair a safe place for everyone so you can come in and have some BIG FAIR FUN! Get to that fun faster by GOING BFF—BAGLESS FOR FAIR!
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